Interview with Yulia Muchynska, Graphic Designer

Interview with Yulia Muchynska, Graphic Designer

Today, we’d like you to meet Yulia Muchynska, our Graphic Designer. Always shy, enthusiastic, creative, and hard-working — that’s the way her friends describe her. And when you meet Yulia, you can’t stop smiling because of the contagious positivity and powerful energy she radiates.

Now, let’s talk business and learn more about her:

Describe yourself in 3 words.
I guess, I can tell I’m responsible, precise, and enthusiastic.

Tell us what’s your favorite genre to work with? And why?
I adore working with fantasy! 🦄 This is the genre where my imagination becomes absolutely unstoppable, and I can come up with the brightest ideas for book covers.

What are the 3 qualities or skills of a professional book cover designer?
I’m sure that constant willingness to develop, creativity, and persistence. These are the qualities everyone should develop.

What makes a book cover stand out?
A secret. 🔮 A book cover with the secret doesn’t tell the plot right away but rather enshrouds a story, so it intrigues the readers. It’s the book cover that has a loose end, contrast, and its own kind of mystique. It makes the readers stop, open the book, and read it.

Can tell our authors, what, in your opinion, makes a professional book cover design?
From my perspective, a good book cover design is neat and accurate and has a clear, definite idea. A good book cover has a well-thought composition, color palette. You can tell that, in a way, the cover is alive — it breathes. It is the same with any piece of art.

What inspires you the most?
I adore observing other artists at work. The knowledge that everyone’s way of thinking is different fascinates me. It also motivates me to work on my own unique style. And it goes without saying, everything that surrounds you may be your source of inspiration, if you want it to be, of course…

Your message to the authors who read this interview.
I want to share some words of gratitude. Being a writer takes courage, hard work, persistence, consistency, and a whole bunch of creativity. I think everything you, authors, give to this world through your work is beautiful, and we’re here to visualize your words and worlds.

If you’d like to ask Yulia anything, feel free to do so in the comments below! 😉

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david mills

3 years ago

Yulia, you are too nice. Authors are really like mushrooms, we live in the dark and our source of nutrition is the light from the computer screen.

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david mills
david mills
3 years ago

Yulia, you are too nice. Authors are really like mushrooms, we live in the dark and our source of nutrition is the light from the computer screen.