Custom Audiobook
Cover Design
Pay only when you’re satisfied with the final result

We Create
Audiobook Covers
That Pop

Why MiblArt for audiobook covers?

Unlimited Number of Revisions
Unlimited number
of revisions
We bring all your ideas to life until you say “Wow, that’s what I was looking for!”
Unlimited Number of Revisions
No prepayment for
custom covers
Pay only when you love
the result.
Unlimited Number of Revisions
Don't know what you want to see on the cover? We'll generate ideas that sell.
Unlimited Number of Revisions
Get your first concept within 5 business days.
Unlimited Number of Revisions
1 month
of free reviewing
After the book cover design is completed, you get a whole month of free revisions.
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Audiobook cover design
  • Custom ACX cover
  • Ready-to-upload JPG file
  • Unlimited free revisions
  • Flattened source file
Order Now

How MiblArt Designs
Your Audiobook Cover

This is how we work on your
audiobook cover
  1. Research After getting more details about your book and requirements, we start working on your cover. Our team analyzes your genre and audience to make your audio cover stand out.
  2. First concept In 5-7 business days, you get a ready concept of your audio book cover. This is a initial concept that is adjusted and changed if necessary
  3. Revisions We offer an unlimited number of free revisions, so you will be 100% sure to get an audio book cover you love
  4. Payment You pay only after you’ve approved a final version. After the payment, we send you the final files
Don’t Have an Idea for Your Cover?
We’ll help you come up with ideas that work
Get a Cover Idea for Free

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