We have analyzed the most popular self-published books on Amazon: Here’s how their authors sell their books

We have analyzed the most popular self-published books on Amazon: Here’s how their authors sell their books

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Why are some authors famous on Amazon and others are not? You may have asked yourself this question. After all, it is not only about the story plot but about marketing and promotion. You can do this differently, using a website, social networks, or attending book events.

To get to the bottom of it, we analyzed 20 famous authors on Amazon. We chose them according to the number of reviews and copies sold.  And that’s how these writers sell their books.

Amy Daws

Amy Daws is an Amazon bestselling author who writes spicy love stories that happen in the USA and across the pond. Her first published book was Chasing Hope, and now she is the author of more than 30 distinct works. Amy is mainly known for her Harris Brothers series. The Blindsided: A Best Friends to Lovers Standalone book got over 10,600 reviews on Amazon. What’s her promotion secret?

Author’s website

Her website is bright and eye-catching. Beyond the standard sections, you can find Bonus Bits, Foreign Editions, and Alternate covers here.

amy saws alternate covers

By subscribing to the newsletter, you receive news and various curiosities from Amy Daws. In particular, she allows new subscribers to download one of her books for free in paper or audio format.

amy daws newsletter subscription

Social media

Amy publishes information concerning her books on her Facebook and Twitter pages: Promo materials, release dates, and further updates. The author shares some personal photos on her Instagram, letting readers be a part of her ordinary life.

amy daws instagram

Other channels

Amy Daws effectively uses TikTok to intrigue and attract new readers. She posts hook videos asking viewers to imagine a spicy and exciting scene. These are scenes from her books that followers want to read later.


She also keeps a Pinterest account, an inspirational mood board that allows readers to imagine what the characters look like. 

Amy Daws arranges many book presentations and signings during the year. All the dates are available on her website. It’s an excellent way to interact with fans and meet helpful people. 

Rachel Abbott

Rachel Abbott is an Amazon bestselling author in the UK. She launched her first novel, Only the Innocent, in November 2011, and it reached the number 1 spot in the Kindle store just over three months later. Since then, Rachel has gone on to write over 20 exciting novels. Let’s find out how Rachel promotes her works.

Author’s website

Rachel’s website is very detailed: It includes her biography and achievements, book information, magazine and newspaper mentions, a list of past and upcoming events, and more. Like many authors, Rachel offers bonus content on her website. But she has her peculiarity. For example, there is a list of delicious meals with recipes called The Hungry Detectives. You don’t come across that often, do you?

rachel abbott website

A good trick is posting positive reviews of books from famous authors. Also, you can sign up for newsletters.

rachel abbott newsletter

Social media

Rachel Abbott has Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts where she mostly posts book updates. But she also shares fellow authors’ books with her readers beyond her works. And here, we want to highlight that cooperation with other writers is an excellent way to reach a wider audience.

rachel abbott facebook

The author also publishes personal photos and memes about the writer’s career.

rachel abbott instagram

Other channels

Rachel Abbott knows that a book trailer is a powerful way to catch readers’ attention. That’s why she offers a video for each book available on her website and YouTube channel. These clips are simple but dramatic music, and apt quotes touch hearts and intrigue a lot.


Before the coronavirus pandemic, Rachel Abbott actively participated in offline events that fit her genre: Crime and detective book fairs, festivals, and shows. The author also arranged book presentations and signings.

rachel abbott book presentation

Lucy Score

Lucy Score is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and #1 Amazon bestselling author. She writes small-town contemporary romantic comedies and enjoys delivering the feeling of happiness to her readers. Lucy wrote over 30 books; the most famous one is Things We Never Got Over. This novel got over 60,900 reviews on Amazon. How does Lucy attract so many readers?

Author’s website

Her website is a quintessence of joy, happiness, and light. A large banner with a smiling Lucy welcomes visitors to join the fictional world. Probably, it’s one of the secrets.

lucy score website

The website is simple, providing only essential information: News & events, books, and contacts. There is also a Bonus section where readers can enjoy extra chapters for free. And if you sign up for newsletters, you be receiving cute and friendly emails:

lucy score newsletter

Social media

Lucy’s Facebook and Instagram pages combine personal and professional parts of her life. It’s hard to say which side prevails. The advantage is that readers feel very close to their favorite writer and participate in all events. Photos of family members and scenery are mixed with book updates. Lucy also shares her fellow writers’ news:

lucy score facebook

The writer also shared fun content that she creates in cooperation with other people in the know, for example, with the Barnes & Noble State College bookstore: 


Other channels

Lucy Score used to arrange many offline meetings before the pandemic. She devoted 2022 to writing, but in 2023 she is planning to visit Book Bonanza and Indies Invade Philly.

She also was a guest on the Mark Dawson podcast in November 2019. She shared her experience on how to get rich and famous writing romances.

Traci Borum

Traci Borum is an author and a writing coach who comes from Texas. She began to create at 12, writing poems, short stories, magazine articles, and novels. Traci is a big fan of women’s fiction, especially Elin Hilderbrand and Rosamunde Pilcher’s books. 

Traci Borum wrote eight books, and the most popular ones are Painting the Moon, Love Starts Here, and The Chilton Crosse Collection #1. She isn’t going to stop. And while Traci is writing her next book, let’s look at how the author sells and promotes her book using different channels.

Author’s website

In addition to the news and books sections, Traci Borum offers her followers a Writer’s Corner. Being a writing teacher, she has collected valuable materials and insights that can be useful to other authors.

traci borum website

The writer also shares moments from her personal life in the Just for Fun section. In particular, she calls herself not only an author and a teacher but also a Corgi owner. That’s why Traci shares a photo of her pet with readers.

Everyone can subscribe to the newsletter of updates and special offers from the writer.

traci borum newsletter

Social media

Traci Borum uses Facebook actively. She shares diverse content, including book news, personal thoughts, valuable quotes, and funny memes. The last ones do great to attract and entertain followers.

traci borum facebook

On Twitter, Traci shares updates about new books, such as release dates, bookstore links, or magazine articles.

traci borum twitter

Marie James

Marie James is a famous self-published author who writes provocative romance, contemporary, and suspense stories. She has a master’s degree in criminal justice, so no wonder that she usually adds some criminal and law elements to her novels. Marie is the author of over 30 distinct works. How does she promote them to sell more copies?

Author’s website

The website is stylish, bright, and convenient to use. It does not contain anything extra; you will find information about the author, books, order of reading, and contacts here. You can subscribe to the newsletter to receive current updates and various pleasantries from the author, for example, a book chapter that has not yet been released.

marie james website

Social media

Marie James shares book release updates, book covers, and intriguing quotes on her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. She also interacts with her readers by asking questions and opinions.

marie james facebook

Other channels

Marie James has a YouTube channel where she publishes some book trailers. The author also keeps a Pinterest account with many book quotes and inspirational images.

LJ Ross

LJ Ross is an international bestselling author of the DCI Ryan mystery series. Her book Bamburgh: A DCI Ryan Mystery got over 24,900 reviews on Amazon. To date, she has sold over 7 million copies worldwide. Let’s find out how she promotes her books through different channels.

Author’s website

Beyond traditional sections, you can find one special: North East Heroes. LJ Ross writes mystery stories, so she decided to tell her readers about some real heroes. In this section, you can read interviews with people who represent the spirit and the heart of the North East, a place where book events take place.

lj ross website

Social media

LJ Ross focused on running one social network – Facebook. On her page, the author shares news about books, photos from her personal life, inspiring images, moments of her work process, and video appeals to readers.

lj ross facebook

Other channels

LJ Ross often appears in the press. All the links to articles are available on her website. She also visited various book events and even participated as a speaker at Liberal Club in London and Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.

lj ross mentions

J.M. Kearl

J.M. Kearl is an award-winning author who has been writing since 2005. Her first book was published in 2018. She writes fantasy romance stories. One of the most famous books is Bow Before the Elf Queen, which got over 3,200 reviews on Amazon. How does she use different channels to promote her books?

Author’s website

The website comes with a beautiful logo essential to the author’s brand. There are many standard sections and unusual ones, offering freebies for readers. J.M. Kearl keeps her website as a blog where she shares news and valuable stuff.

j.m. kearl website

Readers can sign up for her newsletters and get bonus stories for free.

j.m. kearl newsletter

Social media

J.M. Kearl keeps her Facebook and Instagram pages where she publishes diverse content: Inspirational pictures, fun videos, and book release updates. She also does giveaways in cooperation with fellow writers.

j.m. kearl instagram

Other channels

The writer has a TikTok account to create fun and engaging video content related to writing and book topics. This platform works great for the author as she has over 14,6000 followers. J.M. Kearl records not only hilarious clips but arranges giveaways here too.


Louise Lennox

Louise Lennox is a contemporary romance author and a hopeful romantic writing steamy stories. Not seeing enough women like herself headlining positive love stories, she launched #HappyBlackRomance. It’s a community of readers and writers committed to creating and sharing positive romance stories featuring Black heroines.

Author’s website

The author’s website fully reflects her ideas and themes, as it comes with large moving banners with the main characters of her books. We would like to pay special attention to the blog, where the author writes on various topics: Writing, authors, self-publishing, black romances, etc. There is also a Book Inspired Recipes section on the site. By subscribing to the newsletter, you can get access to a free novella.

louise lennox website

You also can find merchandise goods on her website: Notebooks, bubble-free stickers, iPhone cases, tote bags, etc.

Social media

Louise Lennox keeps Facebook, and Instagram accounts, where she mainly publishes news related to her books: Releases, promotions, discounts, events, etc. She also interacts with subscribers by asking them questions. It has a good effect on the activity of readers. Moreover, Louise does live streams on Facebook.

louise lennox instagram

The writer also has Twitter, where she shares the latest interviews and articles with her and book updates.

louise lennox twitter

Other channels

Louise Lennox has a TikTok account to post fun and promo videos and clips where she talks about why she writes, her favorite books, and more.


Tracy Wolff

Tracy Wolff is the New York Times and the USA Today bestselling author of sixty-four novels. Her books are diverse: Young adult action adventures, new adult romance, women’s fiction, and erotica. One of her famous books, Crave, got more than 15,200 reviews on Amazon. Let’s take a closer look at Tracy’s promotion tricks.

Author’s website

The website’s design emphasizes the book’s theme, combining red and black colors. Here you will find all the necessary information about the books and the writer, and you can also become a VIP reader by subscribing to the newsletter. By the way, the site and the letters have a recognizable logo, which is an integral part of the brand.

tracy wolff newsletter

Social media

Tracy has Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages but only actively maintains the latter two. At the same time, she uses Twitter to post news, book updates, and fan art, while on Instagram, we can see a lot of behind-the-scenes moments and personal life.

tracy wolff instagram

Other channels

The writer takes an active part in visiting book events, the announcements of which are available in the news section of her website. You can also read interviews with Tracy in popular magazines.

Lucinda Berry

Lucinda Berry is a former clinical psychologist and leading researcher in childhood trauma. And she uses her experience to write realistic books blurring the line between fiction and nonfiction. Her book, The Best of Friends, got over 18,900 reviews on Amazon.

Author’s website

The website in the new design looks very stylish and concise. There is nothing extra here except biography, books, and contacts. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive book updates, discounts, and the opportunity to read extra novels.

lucinda berry newsletter

Social media

Lucinda Berry is an active user of Facebook and Instagram, where she posts book content, quotes, event announcements, and photos from her personal life. She also organizes giveaways and hosts live broadcasts.

lucinda berry instagram

Ilsa Madden-Mills

Ilsa Madden-Mills is a #1 Amazon Charts, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today best-selling author. She writes new adult and contemporary romances. Ilsa was a high school teacher in the past and adored all things Pride and Prejudice. Her famous novels got thousands of reviews on Amazon. How does the writer promote and sell her book?

Author’s website

The website is simple and concise. On the main page, a pink button that contrasts with the gray background attracts attention – it leads directly to the store. Also here you can see the latest books and books about to be published. Fans can subscribe to the author’s newsletter and receive updates and free books.

ilsa madden-mills newsletter

Social media

Ilsa Madden-Mills has Twitter and Instagram accounts where she posts updates on releases, quotes, and exciting videos. She is also an admin of a fan group on Facebook, so this is not a typical author’s page. Here, supporters and readers can also post their posts and Ilsa comments. It encourages followers to be active.

ilsa madden-mills facebook

Other channels

Ilsa keeps a TikTok account where she posts books and funny content. She also publishes intriguing blurbs of the plots of her books.


Elin Hilderbrand

Elin Hilderbrand is a famous self-published author. Her book, Troubles in Paradise, got almost 17,000 reviews on Amazon. She writes summer romances: Cozy and warm reading. What’s her promotion secret?

Author’s website

The bright website welcomes visitors with the author’s bio, a list of books, and a video announcement of a new book. In general, it is simple and concise and contains only essential information. There is an opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter and receive the latest news and updates.

elin hilderbrand website

Social media

Elin Hilderbrand has Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. She publishes various content: News, quotes, book updates, release dates, and photos from her personal life. The author also shares links to articles and interviews.

elin hilderbrand facebook

Other channels

Elin arranges many book presentations and signings. Her tour dates are available on her website.

elin hilderbrand tour dates

Penelope Douglas

Penelope Douglas is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She writes contemporary romances. Her book, Punk 57, got over 28,000 reviews on Amazon. There’s how the writer promotes and sells her books.

Author’s website

Penelope’s website is vivid and eye-catching. Its home page provides all essential information: Book trailers, merch shop, list of available books, and subscription button. There is also a Bonus section where fans can find a book playlist, storyboards, and extra chapters. The website even offers FAQs.

penelope douglas website

Social media

The writer has Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, but she primarily uses only Instagram. Penelope publishes diverse content: Personal photos, book updates, videos, excerpts, and memes.

penelope douglas instagram

Other channels

Penelope Douglas keeps a Pinterest account where she collects inspirational and atmospheric photos close to her book themes.

The author visits different book events, including Romantic Galena Reads this year and Ballgowns and Books Event in 2023.

Karla Sorensen

Karla Sorensen is an Amazon top 10 bestselling author writing contemporary romances with elements of humor and comedy. She created over 30 distinct works. Her famous book, Focused: A hate to love sports romance, got more than 3,400 reviews on Amazon.

Author’s website

Her website welcomes readers with eye-catching book covers. It contains a lot of sections, including biography, books, newsletter subscription, and merchandise shop. You can also find a bonus – Wolves’ reading order.

karla sorensen website

Social media

Karla Sorensen has an author’s page and reader group on Facebook. She publishes book release updates, reviews, quotes, and excerpts on the first one. On the second one, Karla communicates and interacts with her readers.

karla sorensen facebook

The author also has Twitter and Instagram accounts where she posts book news and some personal thoughts.

Sara Cate

Sara Cate is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Arizona. She writes steamy contemporary romance with high stakes and big feels. Her books get thousands of reviews on Amazon. It’s time to find out her promotion secrets.

Author’s website

The website literally shines thanks to golden design elements. In addition to the standard sections, you can see Freebies, Bonus content, and audiobooks here. Fans can also sign up for newsletters and order autographed books.

sara cate website

Social media

Sara Cate uses Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to post book release updates, news, and cover reveals. She also arranges giveaways.

sara cate instagram

Other channels

The writer is an active user of Pinterest, collecting mood quotes and inspirational images in different folds. Readers can enjoy pictures related to each author’s book to imagine characters and settings better.

sara cate pinterest

Samantha Whiskey

Samantha Whiskey is a Top 10 Amazon bestselling author who writes contemporary romances. She is famous for her Billionaire’s Game, Raleigh Raptors, and Carolina Reapers book series. Let’s find out how Samantha promotes her self-published novels.

Authors website

The vibrant website contains many sections dedicated to each book series. In addition to the author’s biography, readers can familiarize themselves with frequently asked questions and subscribe to the newsletter for news and updates.

samantha whiskey website

Social media

Samantha Whiskey publishes book release updates and excerpts on her Facebook and Instagram pages. She also posts cover reveals and some memes to entertain her audience.

samantha whiskey social media

Another thing to appreciate is that her Instagram account remains one style and design for all the posts.

samantha whiskey instagram

Other channels

Beyond Amazon, Samantha has an account on BookBub.

Melanie Harlow

Melanie Harlow is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author who writes sweet, sexy, feel-good romances. Her popular book, Ignite: A Grumpy, got over 16,000 reviews on Amazon. To date, she published more than 30 fabulous novels.

Author’s website

The website reflects the mood of the author’s books: Pink, romantic, and gentle. In addition to basic information, readers can find recipes, the writer’s insights, and the author’s blog. A separate section contains series maps, which will help you not get lost in various books. Supporters can also pick up merchandise goods.

melanie harlow website

Social media

Melanie Harlow uses Instagram to publish book release updates, cover reveals, quotes, inspirational collages, and personal photos. She also does short book annotations using bullet lists to engage readers.

melanie harlow instagram

Other channels

Melanie Harlow has a Pinterest that she runs as a mood board for the plots of her books. Fans can use it to imagine the characters and settings better.

Imogen Clark

Imogen Clark is a million copy-selling author who writes contemporary fiction about families and secrets. Her books have topped the Amazon kindle charts eight times, and Where the Story Starts was shortlisted for the Contemporary Romantic Novel of the Year Award 2020. Let’s see how the writer sells her book.

Author’s website

The light and vivid website greets visitors with beautiful book covers. In addition to the bio, books, and blog, there are two separate sections: For Writers and For Readers. In the first one, the author shares her writing experience, telling how to choose settings, build a plot, where to start, etc. In the For Readers section, Imogen has prepared lists of book club discussion questions for each of her books.

imogen clark website

Social media

Imogen has Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. She publishes book release updates and photos from preparation for book events. In addition, the writer shares the books of other authors she is currently reading.

imogen clark instagram

In her social networks, readers can find photos of her personal life and personal thoughts.

imogen clark facebook

Other channels

Imogen Clark has her podcast called The Writing Room. It is a space for authors to exchange positive ideas, professional advice, and motivation.


Grace Goodwin

Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author with more than one million books sold. She writes science fiction and paranormal romances. Grace wrote over 70 engaging novels.

Author’s website

Her website is quite simple and contains primary sections. Fans can learn more about the author and her books and subscribe to the newsletter. However, another unusual section offers to take the Bride’s test. It is an excellent way to collect additional emails from site visitors.

grace goodwin newsletter

Social media

Grace Goodwin has pages on Twitter and Facebook, but she uses the last one mainly. It’s a fan group where readers can publish content as well. The author usually shares book release information.

grace goodwin facebook

Nicole Bailey

Nicole Bailey is a self-published author who writes fantasy series based on worldwide mythology and folklore. She is known for her Apollo Ascending and Faye and the Ether book series. How does Nicole promote and sell her books?

Author’s website

The website contains basic information, but there is also a Bonus section. By opening it, readers can enjoy extra content for each book series, including name pronunciation guides, character art, music playlists, and more. Also, there is a merch shop.

nicole bailey website

Social media

Nicole Bailey has a Facebook account but prefers publishing all the essential information on Instagram. Stunning and aesthetic photos represent diverse content. Nicole posts book quotes, annotations, cover reveals, and release updates.

nicole bailey instagram

Other channels

The writer uses Youtube to publish her book trailers as they are a powerful tool to catch readers’ attention.



Our research has come to an end. Let’s take a quick look at how famous authors promote their books.

In addition to standard sections, the author’s website should have something special: Freebies, bonus content, entertainment materials, and so on. If you write book series, add a story map. By the way, don’t forget to create an author logo that is essential for your brand to become recognizable.

Social media is a crucial tool for promoting your book. Of course, it is convenient to publish book release updates and event news there. But don’t forget to add a bit of the real person: Photos from your personal life, interesting thoughts and insights, and funny memes about writing. Fans need to see that you are not a robot writer.

Many writers use Pinterest as a mood board for their books. The collected images help readers better imagine the fictional world, characters, and settings.

Youtube is an excellent platform for hosting writing lessons, podcasts, and book trailers.

What do you think: What content helps to sell more books? Let us know in the comments.

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