Best Facebook Author Pages: 16 Examples That Inspire

Best Facebook Author Pages: 16 Examples That Inspire

Did you know that Facebook is one of the best places to market your book? Like it or not, every writer should set up a Facebook author page to make the self-publishing ride smooth and pleasant.

Don’t know where to start?

Don’t worry. In this article, we have collected 16 amazing Facebook author pages to get you started.

Keep reading to find out:

  • why having a Facebook author page is important;
  • Facebook book marketing tips for indie authors;
  • best examples of Facebook author pages;

Let’s get started.

Benefits of having a Facebook author page

Facebook is one of the biggest and most important social media platforms out there. As an indie author, you might consider conducting many marketing campaigns on Facebook. If you still underestimate its power, here’s a list of benefits:

  • Assemble your fanbase

A Facebook author page is excellent for growing your fanbase. You can invite people, readers, family, friends, and acquaintances to follow you and share their impressions. They, in turn, can help to spread the word around and help grow your author brand.

  • Establish an online presence

Another great thing about Facebook is that you can share your ideas, updates, book marketing tricks, and receive immediate feedback. Don’t forget to post often, monitor the content situation, and engage in discussions with your readers.

  • Make an announcement

Since the big chunk of your live audience might be hanging out on Facebook, use it to announce important events. For example, book release, audiobook release, book cover reveal, the start of the pre-order links campaign, you name it. Just drop a few words in the Facebook post, and let your readers know what’s going on.

  • Nail your advertising

Last but not least, Facebook offers a great ads tool. Use it wisely, and you can reach a broader audience. Facebook ads also allow you to customize the content towards a very particular target audience group. Don’t walk out on opportunities.

facebook author page advantages

Now, let’s move on to some real-life examples.

Best Facebook author pages 

We’re going to show you what other indie authors do on their Facebook author pages. Spoiler alert: there are tons of fantastic book marketing techniques ahead. 

Let’s get to it.

Claire Delacroix

Meet Claire Delacroix, also known as Deborah Cooke or Claire Cross (#authorpseudonyms). She is a New York Times’ Bestselling Author who went indie after traditionally publishing for 20 years. Claire is a proud writer of historical, medieval, and fantasy romance. She also creates works in the contemporary and paranormal romance genre. Her titles collection is awe-inspiring: we are looking at more than sixty romance novels and novellas.

Since the events in some of her books occur in medieval times, it’s safe to assume that her target audience loves that subject. And that’s the first thing that catches your attention when you visit her Facebook author page. Claire used a wonderful technique to keep her followers engaged: medieval real-estate showcase. Yeap, you heard it. It’s fascinating and very creative, don’t you think so?

facebook author page

Also, take a look at this family tree for the characters of her novel. We think it deserves a standing ovation.

Claire Delacroix book marketing

As to other marketing activities, there are regular updates regarding book releases, hard-cover editions, book giveaways, and much more. 

Scroll down her newsfeed page and get inspiration.

Tanya Anne Crosby

Give a round of applause to Tanya Anne Crosby. She is the New York Times and the USA Today bestselling author who has also been featured in popular magazines, such as People, Romantic Times and Publisher’s Weekly. Tanya is the proud author of over thirty books that have been translated into many foreign languages. She writes literary and women’s fiction, contemporary suspense and fantasy, and historical romance.

Her Facebook page is a delight. A lot of useful content, shout outs to other authors, giveaways and gifts will capture your attention at first glance.

facebook author page tanya anne crosby

We fell in love with the book trailer for her “Lord of Shadows” novel. See for yourself!

tanya anne crosby book trailer

RaShelle Workman

Our next recommendation is RaShelle Workman, another international bestselling author. RaShelle won over the readers with her science fiction, time travel, and romantic suspense novels.

On her Facebook page, she regularly updates her profile and cover photo with the book cover art. And it looks great!

rashelle workman facebook
rashelle workman facebook cover photo

Her new book, “Alice Ignites Demonland”, was recently released. RaShelle warmed up readers with the release countdown, asked the audience for advice, and generated that FOMO like a boss.

cover photo
facebook book marketing

She also regularly posts updates regarding price drops and sales of her other books. Good to know!

May Sage

Now, let’s welcome May Sage, a USA Today Bestselling romance writer. If we may quote May, that’s how she describes herself: “Once Upon A Time, there was a little girl who just loved telling her own stories. I absolutely love writing, and I thought it was past time I shared some of my work. “

And we can definitely sense that love to tell stories through her Facebook author page. She posts relevant, engaging information about the book cover reveals, book releases, and so much more.

cover reveal example

We absolutely loved the excerpt reveal idea. It rocks your world!

excerpt reveal book marketing

R WK Clark

We’d also like to introduce you to R WK Clark. He covers different genres but mostly writes horror, thriller, and suspense novels. You might know him from his “Passing through” bestseller, which left the readership speechless.

On his Facebook author page, R.W.K. Clark entertains the readers and keeps them engaged with funny motivational quotes about what it’s like being a writer.

author funny quotes

Another great idea that he uses for Facebook book marketing is posting information about his books with author commentary. We just can’t get enough of it!

author commentary

Jeff Goins

Our next stop is Jeff Goins, the best-selling author of many books, including “The Art of Work” and “Real Artists Don’t Starve”. He is very passionate about writing and creativity. Every week Jeff publishes a new article and a podcast. They are mind-blowing! Moreover, he is the founder of an online community for writers called Tribe Writers.

As you might have guessed, everything about Jeff speaks about his ideas and efforts to help out fellow authors. His Facebook page is not an exception.

author creativity pandemic facebook author page

He also writes poems and posts them on Facebook as additional content to inspire his fanbase.

author poem facebook

David B Lyons

Now, let’s give it up for David B Lyons. He is an award-winning journalist who became an international bestselling fiction author.

He creates blood-curdling psychological thrillers. Just take a look at the review by Bookstormer that his first book “Midday” received: “For me, he is the Tarantino of the book world.” Not a bad start at all!

This brings us to the best part: David’s Facebook author page. He has some impressive ideas—for example, a giveaway quiz for his audience based on his novels.

giveaway quiz  david b lyons

Another excellent giveaway idea is when David offers you to win a signed copy of the book if you leave a review on Amazon.

giveaway ideas david b lyons

Then, he just likes to chat and get to know more about his readers by asking them questions about, let’s say their favorite movie.

david b lyons facebook

And our favorite one, a map of the countries where his books have been sold. How awesome is that!

david b lyons book map facebook author page

Sloane Murphy

Now, let’s welcome our client Sloane Murphy. She is the proud author of the bestselling series, “The Immortal Chronicles”, and other paranormal and contemporary romance novels.

Sloane knows how to pique the interest of her readers via her Facebook author page.

Just take a look at these book cover reveal, and blurb reveal posts:

sloane murphy book cover reveal

Besides, Sloane Murphy concentrates a lot on her book cover art as the visual supportive element of her Facebook posts. And it works!

sloane murphy book cover art facebook author page

MJ Rose

MJ Rose is a New York Times, Wall St. Journal, and USAToday bestselling author. 

Rose is one of the founders of International Thriller Writers, founder of the marketing company for authors, AuthorBuzz, and the co-founder of

Rose’s novel “The Reincarnationist” is a base for Fox TV show,  “Last Lives”.

She has been featured in Time magazine, Forbes, Poets and Writers, Business 2.0, Working Woman, Newsweek, and New York Magazine.

That’s quite a profile, isn’t it?

Wait, it gets better. Let us show you MJ Rose’s Facebook author page.

Ever thought of a virtual book launch party?

mj rose launch party

MJ Rose also does a great job when it comes to book sneak peeks.

mj rose book sneak peek facebook author page

Rachel Abbott

You also must have heard about Rachel Abbott, who reached the top spot on the Kindle store three months after she published her first book. She’d been named Amazon’s best selling independent author in the UK and has sold over four million book copies in English. Last but not least, in 2015, Rachael was named the UK’s top independent author.

She conducts some awesome marketing activities on her Facebook author page.

For example, how about a fun competition?

rachel abbott book competition facebook author page

And what do you think of behind-the-scenes posts about Rachel’s inspiration for “The Murder Game” book’s characters and location?

rachel abbott book behind-the-scenes

L J Ross

Meet L J Ross, the writer who managed to hit the top of Amazon’s Kindle eBooks bestseller list seven times last year.

LJ Ross is an international bestselling author, best known for her “DCI Ryan Series of Northumbrian Murder Mysteries” and “Dr. Gregory Thrillers”.

Here’s what impressed us the most about her Facebook author page:

We couldn’t get our eyes off #ReadRyan2020 challenge.

l j ross facebook author page

This “Guess the book” game is absolutely adorable.

l j rose guess the book

And who can resist wonderful book quotes?

l j rose book quote facebook author page

Dakota Krout

We’re pretty sure you are already familiar with Dakota Krout.

He is a best-selling author of “The Divine Dungeon” and “The Completionist Chronicles” series. Dakota is a proud author of GameLit and LitRPG books, thanks to his programming background. Together with his wife, he owns and operates an indie publishing house, Mountaindale Press.

By the way, we’ve recently interviewed Dakota for our blog, so don’t hesitate to check it out.

Dakota’s Facebook author page is full of regular updates on book and audio-book releases:

facebook author page dakota krout

He also does live streams and Q&A sessions with his readers.

facebook dakota krout

And for his Ruthless release countdown, Dakota came up with an exciting idea. You would never guess what it was. Pizza giveaway!

pizza giveaway dakota krout facebook author page

Jean Joachim

Now, let us introduce you to Jean Joachim. She is an award-winning and international best-selling author. Jean writes in contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and the sports romance genre.

Her Facebook author page is a sight for sore eyes. Jean regularly updates her fans regarding the discounts on her books.

jean joachim facebook author page

She also often posts very useful information regarding the book description, quotes, and author POV. Be sure to check it out.

jean joachim facebook  author page book marketing

Amanda Hocking

You don’t want to miss Amanda Hocking, the author of the New York Times bestselling “Trylle Trilogy” and “Kanin Chronicles”.

She has published seven different book series and over twenty published works. Two of the series and one novel are self-published, and the rest are traditionally published. Amanda’s zombie series, “The Hollows”, was also adapted into a graphic novel.

Amanda won over our hearts with her animated book cover design posts on Facebook.

amanda hocking animated book cover design

CJ Lyons

This list would not be complete without CJ Lyons, a pediatric doctor turned award-winning best-selling author. She is best known for her “Thrillers with heart” brand. CJ Lyons uses her personal experience of working with detectives on homicide and sexual assault cases to create her breathtaking stories.

Her Facebook author page features great cover art promoting the book release:

cj lyons book marketing facebook author

Megan Linski

Megan Linski is the bestselling author of romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction for teens and adults. She is best known for “The Shifter Prophecy”, “The Kingdom Saga”, and “The Rhodi Saga”.

Besides, Megan is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing for indie authors.

Her Facebook author page is an unlimited source of book marketing inspiration.

The exclusive anniversary book cover art reveal is not something you see every day.

megan linski book cover reveal

Also, Megan shares excellent sneak peeks accompanied by amazing visual images.

megan linski facebook book sneak peek

We also loved her book characters quiz idea.

facebook author page megan linski

Stay tuned to Megan Linski and discover fantastic book marketing tips and tricks.


What are you waiting for? Check out these best Facebook author pages to get ideas and inspiration for your Facebook page and marketing campaign.

Break a leg!

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1. Ask questions and opinions

Authors should always take into account a reader’s opinion. It’s a great way to bond with fans and get decisive advice if you doubt something. So, don’t hesitate to ask questions on different topics. For example:

  • Can you recommend some illustrators for my new story?
  • What book format do you prefer: Ebook or paperback?
  • What kind of a story should I write next?
  • What is the best place to arrange an upcoming book presentation?
  • What should I wear for tomorrow’s Facebook live?

Also, you can make an interactive poll on Facebook using emojis. For example, share two variants of your new book cover and offer the readers to put ‘Like’ for the first option and ‘Wow’ for the second.

asking readers for opinion may sage

2. Offer some printable stuff

It means some valuable and interactive files the readers can print and enjoy filling out. You can hire a designer to make it or create printable stuff yourself using Microsoft Word, Canva, Photoshop, or any other graphics editor you like.

Here are some ideas for your printables:

  • A calendar where the readers can cross days before your book release
  • Working sheets with writing exercises
  • A scheme that shows in what order to read books from your series
  • A plan on how to read your book if the readers want to understand it to the smallest detail
  • 30-day challenges related to your topic
  • A set of stickers with characters from your book.

3. Post memes

Do you know that memes are a part of modern folklore? They unite some collective burning thoughts. That’s why one image hits so many people’s hearts.

And today, we have a great diversity of memes concerning writing and reading. Share such pictures with your audience and enjoy a sense of community. By the way, people tend to repost this content and like it the most. So, get ready for a high level of engagement.

reading romance scenes meme

4. Share your book writing process

The readers are always eager to see some real magic in action: How the author creates their favorite book. Give them this chance to look behind the scenes.

Here, you can share photos and videos of your book writing process and show what your workplace looks like. Tell a funny story that happened while writing or doing research. The readers will appreciate that.

5. Show unboxing video

Have you just got your book printed? Probably, a publisher has sent you a big box full of fresh copies. It’s a perfect time to make an unboxing video and share these precious exciting moments with your readers.

Show how you put your book out of the box, tell what it smells and feels like, and tap on its stunning book cover (a bit of author ASMR). Maybe, you should make a kind of inspirational speech.

6. Share inspirational book quotes

Don’t just write quotes but create beautiful images with them. They will be more catchy to get shared in this way. Moreover, people can download and print them to pin their favorite quotes on the walls.

Also, you can post some excerpts from your books, such as engaging dialogues or vivid descriptions. It’s an excellent way to keep your readers intrigued before the book’s release.

7. Tell readers about your personal life

You don’t have to be an author 24/7. Show their readers your other side: You’re a human with hobbies and occupations beyond writing. It will help to build even closer relationships with the readers.

Here, you can show how you celebrate holidays or spend time during vacation. Are you going shopping, playing sports, or cooking an exotic meal? Show, show, show! Maybe you have a cute cat or dog — get this chance to introduce them to the world.

jeff goins writer shares personal photo with readers

8. Share fan artworks

Such content carries out several functions. It’s an excellent way to fill your Facebook page with vivid and catchy visuals related to your book. And also, you’ll satisfy your fans, who’ll be happy to see their works and realize that you appreciate them. Don’t forget to tag authors or write their names.

By the way, you can arrange some contests for the best fan art from time to time. It’s one more way to interact with the audience. The winner will get your signed book.

9. Add a book trailer

A book trailer is an excellent way to excite your readers as they need only 1-2 minutes to immerse into the story. Sometimes an annotation doesn’t give a complete picture of the book as the video does. Thus, book trailers are easy to consume and share.

You can create an animated, cinematic, or stock video book trailer on your own or hire a professional. To get some inspiration, enjoy these several examples:

10. Make a book cover reveal

Seeing your new book cover is always a thrill and excitement. It also causes a desire to share it with the world as soon as possible. Don’t hold back and make a book cover reveal on your author page. However, do it gradually, without opening all the cards at once.

You can first ask the audience what they think the cover looks like. At times, show only a part of it to intrigue the readers. And finally, publish a full version of your stunning book cover.

cover reveal by MiblArt

Book cover design by MiblArt

Can’t you wait to use these ideas for your author page? We’re pleased to hear it and hope to see some engaging content from you soon.

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Megan Linski

4 years ago

Thanks for the awesome feature!


4 years ago
Reply to Megan Linski

It’s a pleasure! Thank you for running such an inspirational Facebook author page.

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Megan Linski
4 years ago

Thanks for the awesome feature!

4 years ago
Reply to  Megan Linski

It’s a pleasure! Thank you for running such an inspirational Facebook author page.